Health Benefits Of Meat - Why You Should Eat Meat - whygetter

Wednesday 7 December 2016


Health Benefits Of Meat - Why You Should Eat Meat

Did you  know that the word meat is derived from the old English word mete, which referred to food in general?
Paleontologist evidence suggests that meat constituted a significant proportion of the diet of  the earliest humans (our forefathers), so I see no reason why we shouldn't uphold such healthy tradition.

meat - whygetter

I think it's really sad and unfortunate that people put the blame of new health problems on a food that has been around for thousands of years. Does not really make much sense to me!
For this reason I decided to make this post that does justice to meat and try to return it to it's former glory.

Note; This article does not suggest you eat meat in excess and at all times. It is only saying you should eat meat once in a while. Please be moderate while consuming meat 

 Why You Should Add Meat To Your Diet

Veganism has gone a long way in convincing people to completely remove meat from their daily diet. Little did they know that they are missing on a lot of vitamins and they tend to suffer from fatigue and confusion. 
Need a little convincing? Here are some reasons why you should eat meat;

     We Were Made For This

man eating meat

Yes! As humans, We are genetically programmed to eat meat by nature. The first men, our ancestors, were meat eaters. They ate meat most of the time so it is safe to say that meat is their primary food. 
We possess incissors specifically for the purpose of tearing meat. We also have molars for grinding meat.

Cows are natural vegetarians  so they possess a four chamber stomach and the ability to ferment cellulose in order to break down plant material. If we were meant to eat vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, and fruits alone, our guts will look much like that of a cow's. Think about it!

  Eating Both Plants And Animals Improves Our Body Function

meat, bread and vegies

The truth is that humans are omnivores. We function best eating both animals and plants.When we eat one and leave the other, we tend to lack various nutrients that makes our body function at maximum.

Besides, our digestive systems are well equipped to make full use of the fats, proteins and nutrients found in animal foods and lack the ability to ferment cellulose in order to break down plant material.

    Meat Contains Essential Nutrients

roasted meat

There are many nutrients that are specifically found in animals, just like there are nutrients that are specific to plants.

All B vitamins are found in greater concentration in meats than in plant sources, and vitamin B-12 can only be found in animal sources.  Vitamin B12 is particularly important because it can not be gotten from commonly consumed plants and many people who avoid meat lacks it. The B vitamins are critical to health, especially mental health. Deficits in these vitamins can cause confusion, impaired senses, aggression, insomnia, weakness, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy.

While there are many sources of protein, meat is a great source of complete protein, containing all the amino acids our bodies needs, including the ones our bodies can’t produce.

    Meat Proteins Nourishes Our Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that the neurons in the brain uses to communicate with other organs of your body, and even your mind.

Research suggests that malfuctioning or deficiency of neurotransmiiters is common in our society and often begets other health conditions. This is so because when communication systems misbehaves, organs tends to misbehave equally and carry out  functions ineffectively.  

Vegetarians tends to be more vulnerable to neurotransmitter malfunction as they lack meat proteins that provides all the essential amino acids required by the body.

  Meat And Energy

Meat has proven to have more calories than vegetables and as such, tends to keep us going for a longer period of time. Meat  calories are gotten from protein and fat within the meat. Protein has 4 calories per gram and a lean 3-ounce piece of sirloin steak has 8.2 grams of fat. 

Again,meat is one of the best sources of iron. Iron deficits put you at risk for anemia andlow energy, which is why anemia is a chronic problem for vegetarians.

To get the most out of vegetables and meat, I suggest you take both together once in a while as they both go together.
Please share this article to them vegans if you know any as they have got to get back on track and get healthy.



About Unknown -

Hi there, I am Christopher and I am person of reasons. Do follow me on social media via the social links above.

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8 December 2016 at 00:33 delete

Great article dear!! It is very helpful for our body. Thanks to sharing with us.
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